Busy Brains Schools - Services to Schools

Pupil Premium & SEND Interventions - What do we provide?

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    Expert interventions for pupil premium students led by qualified teachers.


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    Sequence of individualised planned sessions. Offered in 6 week blocks.


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    Entrance and exit tests with data to support progress and written reports to schools quantifying impact.


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    Well matched provision for a wide range of pupils.

1 hour sessions based on pre-identified areas of the curriculum for pupil premium students, SEND and those who require individualised focused teaching to support and raise their achievement.

All outcomes are based on the aims of the National Curriculum and are tailored to enable pupils to close the attainment gap.

Interventions can be in groups or individually and coverage ranges from Years 1 – 6.

Each block of intervention work is planned, evaluated and the impact documented.

Attainment gaps will be identified through entrance tests and existing school information where a focused personalised programme of support will then be planned to close the gaps, and the impact of this will be evaluated through the exit data, teacher assessment and pupil self assessment.

Detailed reports are provided to schools to quantify the impact of the interventions and academic progress achieved.

Sessions are led by qualified and experienced teachers of primary education, they have a vast knowledge of pupil premium, SEN, inclusion and behaviour.

Research from the Education Endowment Foundation evidences that small group and 1:1 tuition can impact a childā€™s learning by up to 5 months.

Excellent, high impact interventions. (Wessex Gardens Primary School)

Why Use Busy Brains Schools Service?

We can support your school in raising attainment and closing the gaps for disadvantaged pupils.

We are passionate about fostering individual growth at a pace that is right for each child.

We encourage high self esteem and set challenging goals to aspire to, enabling good progress and success for the individual.

We inspire a positive attitude to learning at all levels which makes it engaging, enjoyable and fun.

After School Busy Clubs

Provision is also available for unique ā€˜After School Busy Clubsā€™ with opportunities for curriculum enrichment activities that raise pupilā€™s aspirations, support social skills and build resilience.

We use a high impact approach using metacognition and self regulation strategies, where children are taught methods to motivate themselves and plan, monitor and evaluate their own learning in a happy, vibrant after school club. We inspire active minds!

Sessions are 1 hour long straight after school, and are based on the chosen curriculum area.Ā  Each session is different but all support and build upon the National Curriculum objectives through enriching activities.

Maximum capacity for the sessions is dependent on the nature of the club. Offered in Key Stage groups (KS1, KS2) or in individual year groups.

Busy Brains will deal with all admin and payments direct from the parents.Ā  All schools need to do is send out the flyers to parents.

Sessions cost between Ā£7 and Ā£10 per child per session, payable a term in advance.

Busy Bakers Club - Food and Nutrition

Food and Nutrition activities presented in a fun, practical and engaging way. Tasty recipes that can be repeated at home!

Busy Bankers Club - Mathematics

Maths games that are educational, fun and raise self esteem. Problem solving and reasoning challenges involving all mathematical operations.

Busy Brains Games and Mysteries

A fun, engaging club. Being a detective to answer clues and solve mysteries.

Busy Bodies Club - Science

Engaging and inspiring Science activities to pique enquiring minds. Great opportunities for gathering and recording data, exploring results and classifying information.

Busy Boffins Club - History

Fun and engaging theme-based History sessions discovering significant people and events andusing drama to re-enact famous points in history.

Busy Bookworms Club - English

Inspiring a real love of Reading and Writing with a huge range of activities covering exciting genres and writing purposes. Personalised recommended book lists available.

Busy Brushes Club - Art

Stimulating and practical Art club with opportunities to practise techniques and skills; learn about great artists and designers.

Busy Builders Club - Design and Technology

Design and Technology activities presented in a fun, practical and engaging way! Designing, making and evaluating purposeful products.

Our Team

Paula Treadaway


See Paula’s details

Dawn Wildman


See Dawn’s details